His literary influences are glaringly indiscreet, particularly when introducing us to the government mandate issued Free-Vees in everybody's houses, and references to government 'double-think,' The science fiction elements of the tale, such as hover cars and other futuristic gadgets, do not sit too well with the narrative. The main protagonist, Ben Richards, is supposed to represent a downtrodden underclass punching up at the oppressive govenment but I never grew to care for him or the masses he champions. The working class hero trope needed more than a foul mouthed, insolent, one-liner quipping degenerate with a sick daughter to garner reader sympathy. The sinister Network who host the death games are equally two dimensional and do very little to engage one's interest. The book (which is a first draft) has its moments but is essentially badly written, heavy handed with its politics, and desperately unbelievable.
Rating: 2/5
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